The environment will be structured. The furnishings, equipment, and materials will be attractive and age-appropriate to facilitate children development. Our groups will be divided in:

This group is formed by one-year-old children. The classroom will be design with wide open spaces that will allow children to move freely from one place to another, where they can apply their senses; touching, feeling, looking and hearing so they can experiment with all types of learning. Language opportunities are extremely important at this stage in life that’s why there is a space design for language development where children can manipulate books, listen to songs, watch images that they can describe and manipulate puppets and props to recreate situations.

This group is formed by two-year-old the classroom will be organized and equipped with proper materials to enrich all areas of development. Because children at this age like to do things by themselves and explore the world around them, they’ll have access to a number of recourses that will allow them to touch, feel, hear and see, as well as to set opportunities to form and ask questions. There are spaces specifically design for children to engage in games with peers to better develop their social skills. Our bathrooms will be child size, properly decorated and welcoming so potty training can be mastered without difficulties.

This group is formed by three-year-old children, the classroom will be well defined by different areas developmentally appropriate for preschool children. Children will be able to create art work that represent what they are thinking and imagining, create new experiences using different props and create new relationships with peers to form the first bonds of friendship.

This group is formed by four-year-old children the classroom like the Orange circle classroom, is well defined by areas each one with a literacy component to enhance children’s reading and writing skills. Children are getting ready for Kindergarten that’s why our express and think areas are very important and are well equipped and organized to improve children’s language and mathematical learning. On the other hand our play areas are carefully furnished, supplied and planned to allow children interact with peers in collaborative games while boosting their motor, cognitive and language skills.